

We envision and believe that God can use our ministry in musical ways to touch and influence People’s heart and to help restore their relationship with God.


Rainbow Testifies endeavors to use music to serve the Lord by leading worship, preaching the Gospel, promoting worshipful fellowship and reaching out to people with testimonies and caring love.

We provide live music service for your gatherings, please Contact Us and let us know your thoughts and ideas.


God’s Hand through worship songs has been constantly touching and inspiring for the conception of a ministry. This has never ceased over years. Finally, such moving encouragement could not be resisted by any worldly excuses. In 2019, Rainbow Testifies was established in Minnesota, USA.

God let us see people’s need for live music worship and desire in giving testimonies for God with worship music. God also let us see the opportunities and responsibilities for bringing live worship songs into gatherings and share the Gospel through music.

Rainbow Testifies does not position itself as a professional music ministry of song-composing. Rather, it focuses on using all possible musical resources of faith to reach out to people, lead worship in their language and help them worship “in spirit and truth”, get to know God, and draw them closer to God.

Rainbow Testifies enjoys going to churches, fellowships, families and other life events, joining people, and serving with live music to express Gospel and Biblical Truth by music and to spiritually enrich people with healthy, joyful and positive music experience.

Rainbow Testifies has passions in building up interacting platforms for music ministry workers at different geographical locations with opportunities of sharing, training, serving and missions, so that we can use music, featured as a global common language, to follow and practice the Great Commission, and to glorify God’s Name!


– Live Music Ministry

We provide Live Onsite Music service for worship and gatherings such as fellowship, important life events, etc.

– Online Ministry

We are working on setting up online remote ways to serve you …

– Missions

We pay visit to people with music and caring love. 

We organize short mission trips with music. 

We provide platform for music ministry workers with opportunities of sharing, training and serving.

If there is anything we can help and serve, please contact us to discuss.

Join Us

We always welcome those who have a heart to serve the Lord and have music talents especially in playing different instruments to join us. Please contact us.